Dolls, Fibre Scultpures and Costumes

Posts tagged ‘fertility god’

Four horns, a Penis and a little Bang

I have been working on the Pan / Green Man doll the last 2 weeks.  I was reading the latest Wild Fibre magazine and they had a photo of these 4 horned black sheep that just enchanted me so now he has 4 horns.   Oh and a penis because he is a fertility god after all.  He has the first layer of hair on also.  The background is kind of messy because I got fed up not being able to get into my studio and dragged it all upstairs and I have been working at the kitchen table.  This means more interruptions, including my father making jokes about it…..  But at least I am getting something done.


Four horns

Four horns





And that little bang?

Someone dropped this strange tube with electrical wires coming out of it behind the garage that the guy who does the lawn took one look at and called the police, who called the bomb squad.  So we had a bomb scare in the alley!

We were told to get into the basement – umm no we can’t do that because mom can’t walk – so we had to stay at the front of the house while they blew it up.  The whole thing took from 7am to 10:30 am when there was a sound of a garbage can being dropped.  Apparently this was “oil field debris” that someone dropped off behind the garage along with one table leg and an empty bottle.  And I thought life was a little boring and humdrum.